CREST offers a variety of high quality Professional Development opportunities to Educators, Assistants, and Related Service Providers.
CREST offerings have included:
RBT Program~
The accelerated fi ve week Registered Behavior Technician™ Certification on Program
is designed for teachers, teacher assistants, paraprofessionals, and related service
providers. It is focused on the required course work for the RBT™ credential. Sessions
are completed with face-to-face meeings twice a week for two hours. Participants are
required to complete online modules in addition to the face-to-face class time. Methods
of instrucion on include lecture, readings, hands-on teaching demonstrations, and verbal
and written assessments. Upon completion, certified Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
Technicians are equipped with the essenential skills to implement evidence-based ABA
teaching in both the classroom and home environments.
NPEN – Northeast Professional Educator Network~
CREST was excited to partner with regional assistant superintendents and curriculum
directors to form The Northeast Professional Educator Network (NPEN) to maximize
regional resources to provide high-quality, inter-district professional development,
fostering a culture of collaborative inquiry in order to improve student learning. This
past fall, CREST hosted over 300 education professionals on election day and offered
diverse opportunities to learn more about IEP development based on data points,
behavioral intervention strategies for students with anxiety or mental health needs,
and special education leadership.
Connecting Out-of-District Coordinators~
CREST offers opportunities for Out-of-District Coordinators to meet, connect, engage,
develop and build capacity. These sessions focused around the unique demands and
challenges of this position.
Behavior Management Strategies and Techniques~
Training provides participants with an introduction and overview of behavior and its
principle components. Participants gain an understanding of behavior, its antecedents
and consequences, as well as how function of behavior is determined and why it is
important to behavioral programming. Participants also learn the steps to managing
behavior and how to create and implement a plan for reduction of challenging behavior
and increasing pro-social alternatives.
Mentor Training~
This two day workshop provides participants with an essential understanding and the
skills necessary to mentor new teachers.
CPR, First Aid and CPI~
Full certification or re-certification is offered in CPR and First Aid, as well as separate
certificaton in CPI.